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Id4africa Media
EP59: The Guardrails Trilogy - Legal Frameworks Reform

EP59: The Guardrails Trilogy - Legal Frameworks Reform

[Broadcast on May 23, 2024] This panel looks to the various actionable legal reforms that have been – and are anticipated to be – undertaken in opening-up the right to access to identification to all persons in a country. It starts from the base consideration of identification as an administrative process undertaken by the state to know its population. The session explores what actions might be done to identify and fill gaps, using lived experiences to highlight challenges about what does – and does not – work. Particular consideration is given to making sure that legal frameworks are compatible with the digital age, that they respect and support safeguards and enablers, and that due consideration is given to engagement with society within the framework of participative legal reform. Program (EN): Program (FR): Moderators Conrad DALY, Senior Counsel, Human Development & Technology, Legal Vice Presidency, Operations Policy Unit, The World Bank Nay CONSTANTINE, Legal Expert and Data Governance Specialist, ID4D Initiative, Digital Development Global Practice, The World Bank 00:00 INTRODUCTION 03:52 S1: THE ENABLING ECOSYSTEM FOR IDENTIFICATION - Karidja KONE Epse BAMBA, Director of Affiliation, The National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM), Côte d’Ivoire - Josephine MUKESHA, Director General, National Identification Agency (NIDA), Rwanda - Edson GUYAI, Director, ID Management, National Identification Authority (NIDA), Tanzania 22:46 S2: SAFEGUARDING INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS - Dr. Vincent OLATUNJI, National Commissioner/CEO, Nigeria Data Protection Commission (NDPC), Nigeria - Immaculate KASSAIT, Data Commissioner, Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, Kenya - Laura BINGHAM, Executive Director, Institute for Law, Innovation & Technology (iLIT), Temple University Beasley School of Law, USA 49:32 S3: ENGAGING SOCIETY: LEGAL REFORMS AS A PARTICIPATIVE PROCESS - Thulani MAVUSO, Deputy Director General, Department of Home Affairs, South Africa - Dr. Jean AHOLOU, National Coordinator, WURI Project, National Agency for the Identification of Persons (ANIP), Benin
EP58: The Guardrails Trilogy - CSO's Perspective on building Trust & Protecting Human Rights

EP58: The Guardrails Trilogy - CSO's Perspective on building Trust & Protecting Human Rights

[Broadcast on May 23, 2024] Civil society organizations (CSOs) across Africa and the globe are making important contributions to advance universal access to legal identity for all. Contributions include service design recommendations for various operational processes, legal empowerment initiatives, research and community engagement, participation in oversight mechanisms, and advocacy for proper legal and policy safeguards. However, the skills, knowledge and effective modalities for working with and leveraging civil society expertise are not always widely understood by other actors pursuing the shared goal of inclusive and safe digital identification systems. This panel brings together prominent civil society individuals and organizations who are working with communities, government implementers and international development partners to advance equitable access, safeguard against harm, and enable full participation of individuals within society. The session highlights the different kinds of contributions CSOs are making and opportunities to enhance participation and collaboration. Panelists share research and practices that can help governments better design identity systems that are more inclusive and safe in support of development goals, and discuss ways to achieve more effective multistakeholder discourse around the difficult trade-offs that sometimes arise in the introduction of new digital identification systems. Program (EN): Program (FR): Moderator Matthew McNAUGHTON, Director, Inclusion, Safety & Civil Society Engagement, Co-Develop 00:00 INTRODUCTION 03:59 S1: Creating A Big Tent: How contributions from across society can accelerate progress - Sulemana BRAIMAH, Executive Director, Media Foundation for West Africa 19:18 S2: Are we reaching everyone? What can communities tell us - Elizabeth ATORI, Legal Officer, Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER), Uganda - Mariam JAMAL, Digital Rights Program Officer, Haki na Sheria Initiative, Kenya 38:15 S3: Partnering with Researchers & Academic Institutions - Pam DIXON, Founder & Executive Director, World Privacy Forum - Nashilongo GERVASIUS, Technology Policy Researcher, University of Science & Technology, Namibia - Prof. Mame Penda BÂ, Researcher & Lecturer, Political Science, Gaston Berger University, Saint-Louis, Senegal 1:01:09 S4: The Way Forward Panel discussion engaging all panelists + Audience Participation
EP57: The Guardrails Trilogy - Governance

EP57: The Guardrails Trilogy - Governance

[Broadcast on May 23, 2024] This session delves into the critical topic of digital identity governance, elucidating its paramount significance in the current landscape. It navigates through the intricate web of managing and overseeing digital identities, shedding light on the pivotal role governance plays in ensuring security, privacy, and efficiency. The session explores how robust governance frameworks are essential in establishing trust and credibility in digital interactions, be it in government services, financial transactions, or online engagements. By examining real-world—bottoms up--case studies and best practices, the session underscores the proactive measures required to mitigate risks, uphold user rights, and foster a seamless, interoperable digital identity ecosystem. Program (EN): Program (FR): Moderator Dr. Sarah LISTER, Head, Governance Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP 00:00 INTRODUCTION 03:28 S1: CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES FOR GOVERNANCE OF DIGITAL ID - Hon. Shakeel SHABBIR AHMED, Member of Parliament, Kenya National Assembly - Hon. Gladys GANDA, Member of Parliament and Budget Committee Chair, National Assembly, Malawi - Hon. Mariama Ella GOBA, Member of Parliament, Communication, Technology and Innovation Committee, Sierra Leone House of Parliament - Madeleine SATILOU GOLENAN épouse TOUVOLI, Member of the General and Institutional Affairs Committee, National Assembly, Côte d’Ivoire 47:53 S2: FRAMEWORKS Existing International Normative Governance Framework 48:46 Triparty Dialogue: - Dr. Sarah LISTER, Head, Governance Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP - Barbara UBALDI, Head, Digital Government and Data Unit, OECD - Peter KUSEK, Global Program Manager, Digital Development, The World Bank 1:04:44 Spotlight Presentations - Moritz Carl FROMAGEOT, Associated Expert, Office of the UN Envoy on Technology - Dr. Emrys SCHOEMAKER, Senior Advisor, Governance, UNDP, and Director, Caribou Digital 1:15:44 S3: COUNTRY PERSPECTIVES - Alexandre Marie YOMO, Director General, National Civil Status Registration Office (BUNEC), Cameroon - Tulimeke MUNYIKA, Director, National Population Register, Identification and Production, Dept. of Civil Registration, Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security, Namibia - Dr. Aminah ZAWEDDE, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and National Guidance, Uganda - Percy CHINYAMA, National Coordinator, Smart Zambia Institute, Zambia - Abdiwali Ali ABDULLE, Director General, National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA), Somalia
EP56: Advanced Digital Credentials Management

EP56: Advanced Digital Credentials Management

[Broadcast on May 23, 2024] This session delves in detail into digital credential models and the management of digital identity credentials. The primary focus centers on the three most recent and promising innovations: digital wallets, mobile driver's licenses, and verifiable credentials. As the digital identity landscape continues to evolve, the convergence of the three innovations offers a promising avenue for more efficient and secure identity management and verification processes. The session is thoughtfully structured into three distinct segments, each led by a team of frontline experts. Within each segment, these experts thoroughly analyze the credential model, elucidate its implementation, underscore its advantages, dissect the underlying standards, and assess its interplay with the other models. Program (EN): Program (FR): Plenary Host: Dr. Joseph J. ATICK, Executive Chairman, ID4Africa 00:00 INTRODUCTION 05:28 S1: DIGITAL WALLETS: MAXIMIZING IMPACT OF DIGITAL IDENTITY 06:08 EUDI: A catalyst for the future of person-centric digital identity with Adam COOPER, Technical Consultant, European Commission 22:52 INJI: The open source digital wallet with Ramesh NARAYANAN, CTO, MOSIP 46:25 S2: FROM mDL to mDOC: A STANDARDIZED APPROACH TO DIGITAL IDENTITY & FEDERATION - Michael McCASKILL, Director, Identity Management, American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) - Loffie JORDAAN, Business Solutions Architect, AAMVA 1:15:52 S3: FROM POLICY TO REALITY: A NON-TECHNICAL JOURNEY TO INTEGRATE VERIFIABLE CREDENTIALS - Catherine NABBALA, Head, Product-Identity Verification and Global Business Development, Finema (Thai Health Pass) - Anand ACHARYA, Project Manager, Bhutan National Digital Identity Scheme - Damian GLOVER, Senior Director, Communications, Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF)


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